Representatives of 13 organizations from 13 countries discussed possibilities of bi- and multilateral cooperation in the field of talent support in Budapest.
In order to extend its international relations, the Association of Hungarian Talent Support Organizations (MATEHETSZ) has concluded agreements with several similar organizations across Europe and beyond. To discuss ideas for the cooperation between the parties a three-day workshop was organized in Budapest with the participation of 13 organizations.
The representatives of 12 organizations from Europe and one from India presented their institutions, the talent support activities and networks of their respective countries, the legal and organizational frameworks, and introduced their best practices.
The first talk was given by Prof. Péter Csermely, President of the Hungarian Talent Support Council and the European Council for High Ability (ECHA). He spoke about the initiative for the creation of a European Talent Support Network. Appointed at the recent conference of ECHA, two members of the Accreditation Committee delivered a presentation about the conditions of joining the network.
The main goals of the workshop included the preparation of an exchange of best practices and experts, and receiving information on forming the European talent support network. The participants exchanged views about, among other things, student exchanges, teacher training, methodological cooperation and joint participation in international programmes.