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Driving the Future. Interviews with successful young talents

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116 oldal
Fedél típusa:
Magyar Tehetségsegítő Szervezetek Szövetsége

Dear Reader,
This book presents twelve young women and men who have been discovered by, or have participated in the programmes of, the Association of Hungarian Talent Support Organizations (Magyar Tehetségsegítő Szervezetek Szövetsége, MATEHETSZ). We have been able to contribute to the development of their talent in a brief period of their life. We are proud of all of them, and we are proud of all of the 25 thousand youths who have joined the Talent Bridges Programme, as well as the other tens of thousands of gifted students who have attended the events of the Talent Points since MATEHETSZ and the network helping gifted young people was called to life.

The dozens of YouTube videos submitted following our call, as well as the interviews published on the websites and in publications of the Talent Points have shown just how many talented young people deserve the attention of their peers even in their teens. Coordinated by MATEHETSZ and using support from the European Union, the Talent Bridges Programme was set up for them, seeking to provide as many opportunities as possible in Hungary, Europe, and beyond.

Our volume contains twelve interviews. We selected a dozen from thousands of gifted young people, who serve as an example in one way or another, through their talent, diligence and calling. Special and exceptionally mature, the individuals in this book reveal some surprising turns and often an embarrassing sense of purpose. This introduction seeks to call the reader’s attention to what goes beyond individual stories: the formative power of the network of talents, the Talent Points. They have immense significance in providing positive feedback, offering new directions and opportunities, and granting financial support or personal mentoring that can determine entire careers. The careers of these gifted young people afford sufficient perspective and inspiration to assess the significance of EU-supported programmes.

Péter Bajor
President of MATEHETSZ