The title Ambassador of the Hungarian Talent was established by the National Talent Support Council in 2011. In the first year eight outstanding personalities were invited to accept the duties for a five year period. The Ambassador Electing Council composed of leaders of the talent support movement adjures three new Ambassadors every year.
The Ambassadors represent and foster the importance of talent support through their lives, work and social connections. As talent may have many colours the Ambassadors are different and multicolour personalities, their activities are of different fields. With their lives and careers the Ambassadors set an example when representing similar values in different careers.
Ambassadors of the Hungarian Talent
László Sólyom, former President of Hungary
Ferenc Snétberger guitar virtuoso, founder The Snetberger Music Talent Centre for talented Roma children
Mária Petrás handicraft artist and folksong singer
Nóra L. Ritók art teacher, pedagogical innovator
Father Alfréd György Camillian monk
Prof. Tamás Freund brain researcher
Gergely Bogányi pianist
Gábor Berkes carpenter
Károly Králik inventor, businessman
Anita Görbicz handball player, member of the national team
Alinda Veiszer journalist, reporter, media personality
András Danyi camera-man
Vilmos Benkő entrepreneur, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hungary